Caucho Technology

release notes
change logs

resin 3.1.8
resin 3.1.6
resin 3.1.5
resin 3.1.4
resin 3.1.3
resin 3.1.2
resin 3.1.1
resin 3.1.0

resin 3.1.4 release notes

Resin 3.1.x

Resin 3.1.x is a development branch. New capabilities will be added along with bug fixes for future versions of the Resin 3.1.x branch.

Deployments which need a Resin version with only bug fixes should use the Resin 3.0.x branch.


The configuration file now accepts <database-default.


com.caucho.sql.DatabaseManager allows dynamic allocation of database pools.

The two methods are:

  DataSource DatabaseManager.findDatabase(String url);

  DataSource DatabaseManager.findDatabase(String url, String driver);

The first method is only allowed if the driver has a META-INF/services.


Added new configuration tags for JMS:

<web-app xmlns="">

  <jms-connection-factory jndi-name="jms/ConnectionFactory"/>

  <jms-queue jndi-name="jms/q1" url="memory:"/>
  <jms-queue jndi-name="jms/q1" url="file:path=WEB-INF/jms"/>
  <jms-queue jndi-name="jms/q1" url="cluster:path=WEB-INF/jms"/>

  <jms-topic jndi-name="jms/q1" url="memory:"/>
  <jms-topic jndi-name="jms/q1" url="file:path=WEB-INF/jms"/>
  <jms-topic jndi-name="jms/q1" url="cluster:path=WEB-INF/jms"/>


JMS also has new MXBeans, JmsQueueMXBean and JmsTopicMXBean.


Added resin_admin_insecure to allow sites to require SSL for admin.

logging enhancements

The logging timestamp now allows %{thread} and %{env}.

<resin xmlns="">

  <log name="" level="fine" path="stdout:"
       timestamp="[%H:%M:%S.%s] {%{thread} %{env}} "/>


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Resin ® is a registered trademark, and Quercustm, Ambertm, and Hessiantm are trademarks of Caucho Technology.