resin ioc
Resin is designed around an internal inversion-of-control framework
used for all configuration and resources including servlets, EJBs, messaging,
remoting, and databases. Applications can take advantage of Resin's
IoC capabilities using WebBeans-standard annotations and interfaces.
Since Resin-IoC is used for servlets, WebBeans and EJBs, any application
bean can use EJB annotations like @TransactionAttribute or WebBeans
@InterceptionTypes or event @Observes capabilities, in addition to the
dependency injection and IoC configuration.
The dependency injection framework is type-safe, meaning the registry
is organized around Java types, not a flat namespace, which gives more
power and flexibility for component assembly.
Since injection is annotation-based, most components can avoid XML
configuration, while XML is still available for components.
- The Resin EJB page gives more information
about the EJB bean lifecycles and their integration with Resin IoC.
- The Resin messaging page gives
more information about the message bean and its integration with Resin IoC.
- The Resin remoting page shows
Resin's remoting integration.
- All Resin configuration, including
all JavaEE specified files uses Resin-IoC as the configuration engine.
Resin's IoC support is integrated with EJB 3.0
and the core components like Servlets, Filters and remote objects.
This integration means plain Java beans can use EJB annotations
and interception, EJBs can use Resin IoC annotations, and both kinds of
beans can be configured directly from the resin-web.xml
or discovered by classpath scanning.
So it's best to think of Resin-IoC as a set of orthogonal capabilities that
are available to any registered bean. The basic capability types are:
- Lifecycle model: Java,
@Stateless , @Stateful ,
or @MessageDriven .
Resin-managed objects like Servlets and Filters are Java model beans.
- Dependency injection: injection annotations
@In , @Named , @EJB , @PersistenceUnit , etc are
available to all beans.
- Registration: all beans are registered in a unified typed-namespace
registry (i.e. the registration half of dependency injection.)
- Lifecycle events: the
@PostConstruct and @PreDestroy
- Predefined aspects: the
@TransactionAttribute , @RunAs , @RolesAllowed , etc. annotations are
available to all beans.
- Custom interceptors: EJB-style
@AroundInvoke , and @Interceptors , as well
as WebBeans-style @Interceptor and @InterceptorBindingType are available to all beans.
- Event handling: the WebBeans
@Observes capability is available to all beans.
Before dependency injection, applications needed to use JNDI to
grab resources managed by Resin: database connections, JMS queues, JCA
EntityManagers , timers, UserTransaction , the
JMX MBeanServer , etc. The JNDI lookup had two main
flaws: it required a good chunk of boilerplate code to solve a simple
problem, and it was untyped. Since JNDI is essentially a big HashMap,
the only way of making sure your DataSource name didn't
conflict with your JMS Queue was strictly structuring the
JNDI names with patterns like java:comp/env/jdbc/foo .
With dependency injection, Resin will lookup, verify and inject
the resource when it creates your managed class, for example when creating
a servlet. In the following example, when Resin creates MyServlet, the @In annotation tells it to look for a UserTransaction
and DataSource and use reflection to set the fields,
before calling the servlet's init() method.
Example: DataSource and UserTransaction
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import javax.transaction.UserTransaction;
import javax.webbeans.In;
public class MyServlet extends GenericServlet {
@In private DataSource _ds;
@In private UserTransaction _ut;
@Named and bindings
Since many applications use multiple resources like named databases,
your injection may need to specify a name or other binding to uniquely
identify the resource you want. In the case of a unique resource like
UserTransaction or MBeanServer or an application
with a single DataSource , the @In is enough
information. When you have multiple databases, you'll want to
use @Named to specify the database name.
Example: @Named with DataSource
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import javax.webbeans.Named;
public class MyServlet extends GenericServlet {
@Named("foo") private DataSource _ds;
Example: resin-web.xml database configuration
<web-app xmlns="">
<driver type="">
<driver type="">
Injection using a @Named binding annotation is still
typed. You can have a database with @Named("foo") and
a JMS queue with @Named("foo") , i.e. each type has its own
namespace. The typed injection is a big improvement from the JNDI
java:comp/env/jdbc/foo vs java:comp/env/jms/foo
Although many applications will just use @In
and @Named , you can also create your
own BindingType annotations to match resources
and components.
field, method, and constructor injection
Since Resin implements all three flavors of dependency injection: field,
method and constructor, the choice of style is up to you.
You can mark any field with @In , @New ,
@Named or any other @BindingType to tell Resin
to inject the field. When a @BindingType is used, Resin will
only match components configured with that binding type.
Example: field injection with @Named
import javax.webbeans.Named;
public class MyBean {
@Named DataSource _ds;
Method injection can use any binding annotation on any of the parameters.
When Resin introspects the component class and it finds
any @BindingType or @In parameter on a method, it
will schedule that method to be injected. Method parameters can
also use @New . The method does not need to follow bean-style
setting conventions; any method will work.
Example: method injection with @Named
import javax.webbeans.Named;
public class MyBean {
void foo(@Named("jdbc/foo") DataSource myDataSource) { ... }
Construction injection is available for components and singleton beans.
Like method injection, the @BindingType values
like @Named assigned to the parameters determine the
values to be injected.
If the bean has multiple constructors, exactly one must be marked
@In or have a @BindingType value.
Example: constructor injection
import javax.webbeans.In;
public class MyBean {
public MyBean(DataSource myDataSource) { ... }
WebBeans-enabled components (injectable objects)
Any Resin-managed object can use the entire WebBeans
dependency-injection system and all of the managed objects, while objects
you create using new are still plain Java objects.
Once you've got a root object managed by the system, any futher
WebBeans components or singletons you bring in will also be managed.
The starting set of managed objects is pretty broad and includes:
- <bean> (singletons) defined in the resin.conf or resin-web.xml
- <component> (WebBeans components) defined in the resin.conf,
resin-web.xml or web-beans.xml
- EJB message-driven beans
- EJB session beans
- Filters (servlet)
- JSF resources (currently only model beans)
- JSP pages
- JSP tag libraries
- <resource> components (Resin will be migrating to use <bean> for resources in the future.)
- Servlets
- Servlet Listeners defined in the web.xml
- WebBeans annotated components (
@Component )
discovered through the classpath scan (see below)
- WebBeans components injected with
@New (see below)
- Remote services defined by <servlet> (e.g. Hessian or SOAP).
Resin global resources
Resin automatically provides several global resources to any
injectable code. Since these resources are unique, your application
will use @In as the annotation.
javax.webbeans.Container provides a reference to
the WebBeans container itself. Applications can use the
Container to raise WebBeans events, and
lookup components programmatically.
javax.webbeans.Conversation injects the WebBeans
conversation scope for a JSF application. The conversatio scope lets
JSF views store data local to the page itself, separate from the
HTTP session scope. injects the JMX
management server. JMX manages Resin's resources, so an application
can use JMX to view the current state of Resin. See the
JavaDoc for an overview of Resin's resources.
javax.transaction.TransactionManager injects the
XA transaction manager. Advanced applications which want to add their
own XAResource or Synchronization objects
to an active transaction can use @In TransactionManager .
javax.transaction.UserTransaction injects the
XA user transaction manager. Applications controlling XA transactions
programmatically will use the UserTransaction
to begin() , rollback() , and
commit() distributed transactions.
lets applications schedule threads and timed events controlled by
Resin's thread pool, and restricted by the thread-max configuration
in the resin.conf. This ScheduleExecutorService is
classloader-safe, so Resin will automatically close your scheduled
tasks when restarting a web-app.
Resin configured resources
All Resin configured resources are available through WebBeans, since
Resin uses WebBeans as its internal registry.
<bean> singletons are application-specific
custom services. They are exactly like the <component> beans but
default to singleton scope. Like <component> they can
either use WebBeans annotations or just be POJO objects.
The <bean> tag makes the beans available to any other WebBeans
component. The bean default to @Singleton scope, which
means that a unique instance is created at Resin start time.
The injected type will depend on the class attribute of
the bean.
<component> objects are application-specific custom
beans. They can either use WebBeans annotations or just be POJO objects.
The <component> tag makes the beans available to any other WebBeans
component. The components default to @Dependent scope, which
means a new instance is created each time they're referenced or injected.
The injected type will depend on the class attribute of
the bean.
<database> is a JDBC pooled database.
The name attribute is assigned to the @Named
binding. Databases are injected as javax.sql.DataSource types.
EJB stateless beans are automatically registered the
WebBeans. The default @Named value is the ejb-name.
Stateless beans can use the <ejb-stateless-bean> tag for custom
configuration, or rely on the standard EJB discovery mechanism.
Each EJB 3.0 @Local interface is registered separately
in the WebBeans registry.
EJB stateful beans are automatically registered with
WebBeans. The default @Named value is the ejb-name.
Stateful beans can use the <ejb-stateful-bean> tag for custom
configuration, or rely on the standard EJB discovery mechanism.
Each injection or bean lookup will return a new stateful bean
reference, modified by the bean's scope (see below.)
Each EJB 3.0 @Local interface is registered separately
in the WebBeans registry.
EntityManager and EntityManagerFactory objects
from JPA are automatically registered with WebBeans. The default
@Named value is the persistence-unit name.
<env-entry> tags register their values with
WebBeans. The default @Named value is
the env-entry-name . The registered type is the
env-entry-type .
<jms-connection-factory> automatically registers the configured
factory with WebBeans.
Connection factories can also be configured with <bean> or <resource>,
depending on the JMS provider. The registered type is the class
of the connection factory, usually javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
<jms-topic> automatically registers the configured
topic with WebBeans. The default @Named value is the
topic name. Topic can also be configured with <bean> or <resource>,
depending on the JMS provider. The registered type is
<jms-queue> automatically registers the configured
queue with WebBeans. The default @Named value is the
queue name. Queue can also be configured with <bean> or <resource>,
depending on the JMS provider. The registered type is
<remote-client> registers remoting clients with WebBeans.
The <remote-client> tag will configure the protocol used and the
expected proxy class. The registered type is the API class
of the remote service.
Example: resin-web.xml for remote-client
<web-app xmlns="">
<remote-client class="example.HelloService">
Example: Injecting for remote-client
public class MyServlet extends GenericServlet {
@In example.HelloService _hello;
The primary value of Resin's dependency injection system is as a
type-safe component and service organization registry. Module and
component-oriented software has been a goal of software developers
for decades, but in practice developing components and services is
a difficult task, in large part because the configuration and
assembly of the components has been just as
complicated as the code itself. There are no silver bullets in software,
but the WebBeans registry does significatly reduce the housekeeping code
and XML which gets in the way of good design.
Annotation-based Component Discovery
At startup, Resin will scan jars and class directories for a
META-INF/web-beans.xml file. The presence of that file
tells Resin to start scanning all the classes in the jar or directory
for @Component annotations. Resin will register each
class with a @Component market with the WebBeans directory.
The META-INF/web-beans.xml can be trivial, since its primary
purpose is speeding up startup time by letting Resin scan only the jars
which contain components. So, applications will generally want to minimize
the number of classes in @Component jars to make
startup fast.
Example: META-INF/web-beans.xml
<web-beans xmlns="">
The component itself can be any Java class. Since Resin manages the
component, it can use @In and @Named to inject
any other component or resource. Resin will take care of any circular
dependencies automatically.
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.webbeans.Component;
public class Movie {
private String _title;
private String _director;
public String getTitle() { return _title; }
public void setTitle(String title) { _title = _title; }
public String getDirector() { return _director; }
public void setDirector(String director) { _director = director; }
public void init()
The @PostConstruct annotation tells Resin to call the
init() method once all the injection and configuration is
Any other component or Resin-managed class like servlets can now
use @In Movie to inject the movie resource.
import javax.webbeans.In;
public class MyServlet extends GenericServlet {
@In Movie _movie;
Most application components will use the @Component
discovery mechanism. Except for the META-INF/web-beans.xml
marker file, no additional housekeeping code or XML is
required. As described below, applications can reduce the configuration
by one more step with the @New annotation
replacing @In . The target class of the @New
annotation is automatically registered with WebBeans even if the class
has no @Component annotation or if the
META-INF/web-beans.xml is missing. In other words, any plain
Java class can become a part of the WebBeans system without overhead.
Scopes: @Singleton, @Dependent, @RequestScoped
The scope of the component determines when Resin will create a new
component and when it will reuse an old one. Singletons will always
return the same object, while dependent components will always return
a new object instance. Long-lived services will typically be singletons,
while scratch-space modules will be dependent components.
Components default to @Dependent scope. Since many
components will be used as pieces of other components,
@Dependent is the least-surprising value as a default.
You can specify a component's scope with an annotation or in
the <bean> or <component> tag. The
predefined scope values are: @Dependent ,
@RequestScoped , @ConversationScoped ,
@SessionScoped , @ApplicationScoped and
@Singleton .
@Dependent creates a new instance each time.
@RequestScoped creates a new instance for each
servlet request, reusing the instance for the same request.
@ConversationScoped creates a new instance for each
JSF conversation, i.e. for each JSF view page.
@SessionScoped creates a new instance for each
HTTP session, reusing the instance for the same session.
@ApplicationScoped uses a single instance in each
web-app. For web applications, this will have the same lifecycle as
@Singleton .
@Singleton uses a single instance in the
container. For web applications, this will have the same lifecycle as
@ApplicationScoped .
An example scoped resource might be a Calculator object which
is used only for a single instance. It might fill the arguments while
processing a form and then calculate the result. The
@RequestScoped makes sure scripts receive the same instance
each time it's called.
Example: @RequestScoped Calculator
import javax.webbeans.RequestScoped;
import javax.webbeans.Component;
public class Calculator {
private int _a;
private int _b;
public void setA(int a) { _a = a; }
public void setB(int b) { _b = b; }
public int getSum() { return _a + _b; }
You could also register the same calculator using XML:
Example: resin-web.xml Calculator
<web-app xmlns="">
<component class="example.Calculator" scope="request"/>
@New Component Discovery
The @New annotation automatically registers the target
class with the WebBeans registry and tells Resin to create a new instance
of the bean, even if the bean has a singleton scope definition.
Since @New replaces @In , it can be used anywhere
@In can be used.
import javax.webbeans.New;
public class MyServlet extends GenericServlet {
@New Movie _movie;
The Movie is identical to the movie class defined
above, but doesn't need the @Component annotation and
doesn't need the META-INF/web-beans.xml marker file.
In many cases, the @New annotation can replace the Java
new operator. If your application starts
using @New consistently, it can add injection capabilities to
a growing share of your code, letting you simplify and refactor incrementally.
public class Movie {
private String _title;
public String getTitle() { return _title; }
public void setTitle(String title) { _title = title; }
public void init() { ... }
Lifecycle: @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy
If your service needs to initialize itself after being configured, it
can annotation an initialization method with @PostConstruct .
After Resin creates, injects, and configures your component, it will call any
@PostConstruct methods. Long-lived services or services that
need to register themselves with other services will typically need to
use the @PostConstruct annotation.
At the end of a component's lifetime, you might need to close some
resources, e.g. closing a socket or delisting from a timer service. Resin
will call any component method marked with @PreDestroy
before it destroys the method.
For example, a TimerService may want to schedule a event
every 2 seconds. The @PostConstruct method will start the timer
and the @PreDestroy method will stop the timer.
Example: Timer Service
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.webbeans.In;
import javax.webbeans.Component;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import com.caucho.webbeans.Singleton;
public class TimerService {
@In ScheduledExecutorService _timer;
public void init()
_timerFuture = _timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(this, 0, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public void close()
You can register your components and services with Resin using the
resin.conf or resin-web.xml files. Since the WebBeans registry is integrated
with Resin, your services be treated as first-class components along with
the Resin resources. Although most components will not need XML, there
are a few advantages for the small number of services which do use XML.
The XML-configuration lets you customize your application for a
particular environment, e.g. setting configuration parameters. For example,
Resin's <database> needs to select a database driver and
configure the URL, user and password of the database as well as configuring
connection pooling parameters. Some application services will also need
In addition, the XML-configuration documents the services
you've enabled. For heavyweight services, this documentation is critical,
while lightweight components do not need this extra housekeeping overhead.
bean and component registration
The <bean> and <component> tags register
application classes with Resin. The two tags are identical except for the
expected lifecycle: <bean> configures singleton services while
<component> configures component template classes.
In other words, the default scope of a <bean>
is @Singleton while the default scope
of a <component> is @Dependent .
A <component> will create a new instance each time it's
injected or referenced, while a <bean> always returns
the same singleton instance.
Example: bean and component resin-web.xml
<web-app xmlns="">
<bean class="example.MyService"/>
<component class="example.MyService"/>
The <bean> and <component> tags have a
number of optional attributes: bean and component attributesATTRIBUTE | DESCRIPTION |
binding | the @BindingType annotations for custom bean matching | class | the Java class of the bean or component (required) | init | optional configuration/initialization block, using bean-style assignment | name | the instance name, used for @Named and script integration | scope | specifies scope of the instances: request, conversation, session, application, or singleton |
Bean property configuration
Resin's XML configuration uses the standard JavaBeans patterns to
configure properties. Resin uses the same mechanism for all of its own
configuration parsing, including every JavaEE configuration file, the
resin-web.xml and the resin.conf itself. So your application will have
all the configuration flexibility it needs.
Since the component beans can use WebBeans
injections, injected components are typically not configured in
the resin-web.conf, avoiding the need for tags like <ref> .
public class Hello {
private String _greeting = "default";
public void setGreeting(String greeting) { _greeting = greeting; }
public String getGreeting() { return _greeting; }
The basic example sets a greeting property of a hello, world
bean. In this example, we're configuring a singleton, but the
<init> works for dependent components as well. Resin will
apply the configuration to the instance as part of the creation process.
Example: resin-web.xml configuring a singleton
<web-app xmlns="">
<bean class="example.Hello">
<greeting>Hello, World</greeting>
Resin's configuration uses 5 basic bean patterns, extending the JavaBeans
conventions. It can configure literal values like string and integers as
well as configuring other beans. Any component bean configured by Resin
has full access to @In injection as well as
the standard @PostConstruct annotations. Sub-beans are
not automatically registered with WebBeans, i.e. they act like the
servlet configuration.
(Currently the patterns are name-based like JavaBeans, since Resin
was designed before annotations. We may add configuration annotations
in the future.
Example: Bean configuration patterns
public void setFoo(String data);
public void setFoo(Movie data);
public void addFoo(Movie data);
public Movie createFoo();
public void setText(String data);
setFoo(String) configures a standard JavaBeans-style
setFoo(Movie) creates a new instance of Movie and recursively configures it.
addFoo(Movie) also creates a new instance of Movie and recursively configures it. addFoo is an easy way of
configuring lists.
Movie createFoo() lets the bean create
the Movie instance. Many beans can
use createFoo with inner classes to
handle complex configuration.
setText is called with the text contents of
the XML. Value-style beans will use this. (somewhat rare).
As mentioned above, Resin uses these 5 patterns to handle all of the
JavaEE configuration files. In particular, the createFoo
pattern returning inner classes is very handy for some complicated
configuration cases, and for cases where a sub-tag needs information about
the parent.
Example: sub-bean configuration example
<web-app xmlns="">
<bean class="example.Theater">
<movie title="The Princess Bride"/>
<movie title="The Maltese Falcon"/>
In this example, the Theater classes uses
an inner Movie class to illustrate the use of
the create pattern.
public class Theater {
String _name;
ArrayList<Movie> _movies = new ArrayList<Movie>();
public void setName(String name) { _name = name; }
public Movie createMovie()
return new Movie(this);
public void addMovie(Movie movie)
public static class Movie {
private Theater _theater;
private String _title;
Movie(Theater theater)
_theater = theater;
public void setTitle(String title) { _title = title; }
Base configuration: string conversions
Resin-IoC provides a number of built-in string conversion types as well
as supporting JavaBeans PropertyEditor and custom converters. Built-in String ConvertersTYPE | DESCRIPTION |
boolean, Boolean | Java boolean | byte, Byte | Java byte | short, Short | Java short | int, Integer | Java integer | long, Long | Java long | float, Float | Java float | double, Double | Java double | char, Character | Java char | String[] | String array separated by commas | Class | Java classes | Path | Resin VFS Paths | File | | URL | | Pattern | java.util.regex.Pattern | Locale | java.util.Locale | Date | java.util.Date | Properties | java.util.Properties | RawString | com.caucho.config.type.RawString |
Enumerations are automatically converted from their
string representation.
String constructor
Resin-IoC will automatically convert a string to an object if the
object has a single String argument constructor.
Example: MyBean with constructor
public class MyBean {
public MyBean(String value)
For classes which implement a static valueOf(String) method,
Resin will automatically convert to the given type using
the valueOf method.
Example: MyBean with valueOf
public class MyBean {
public static MyBean valueOf(String text)
MyBean bean = new MyBean();
return bean;
For objects with a setValue or addText method
and a zero-argument constructor, Resin-IoC will convert using the
following steps:
- Create the object
- Inject any dependencies
- Call
setValue or setText with the string
- Call any @PostConstruct
- Return the configured bean
Compound types
Setters taking a List or array argument can be configured
with list values.
List items are specified directly with <value> elements. There is
no extra <list> element required. The <list> element is only used
when creating a sub-list or sub-element (see below.)
Example: MyBean.setValues(List)
Example: MyBean.setValues(String [])
In the following example, the argument is an object, so we need
a <list> element to tell Resin to create a list. The object
created will be an ArrayList .
Example: MyBean.setValues(Object)
Resin-IoC can always use the addXXX pattern to add
a variable number of items. Normally, the addXXX pattern
is easier and more maintainable than the addList pattern.
In particular, validation of the item values is quicker and more accurate
with addXXX .
Example: MyBean.addValue(String)
Generic maps can use an <entry> syntax to define property values.
Example: MyBean.setValues(Map)
<entry key="a" value="one"/>
<entry key="b" value="two"/>
<entry key="c" value="three"/>
References and EL Expressions
Resin-IoC configuration files can use EL expressions to get references
to resources, beans, system properties, and calculate generatal expressions
based on those values. Since all Resin's resources are added to
the WebBeans registry automatically, application components have access to
anything they need.
Both the JSP immediate syntax and deferred syntax are
supported (${...} vs #{...}). Currently, there is no distinction
between the two, but the deferred syntax is preferred, since Resin-IoC
initializes beans lazily to handle circular references.
Example: circular references in resin-web.xml
<web-app xmlns="">
<bean name="a" class="qa.FooBean">
<init bar="#{b}"/>
<bean name="b" class="qa.BarBean">
<init foo="#{a}"/>
Because Resin's EL implementation allows method expressions, you can
use beans as factories in the EL expressions.
Scripting: PHP, JSF and JSP
If your application is using a scripting language like PHP for the
presentation layer, the WebBeans registry provides a simple interface to
use your components and services. Although WebBeans injection is typed,
each WebBean is also registered under its name for scripting applications.
The name must be globally unique, of course, unlike the typed injection
The default scripting name is the name of the component's class, with
the first character lowercased. You can change the name by adding
a @Named or setting a name attribute in the
<component> or <bean> .
public class Movie {
In Quercus/PHP, the java_bean(name) method returns the
component with the given name. For singletons, Resin will return the unique
bean. For other beans, Resin will create the bean if necessary and
store it in the configured scope.
Example: accessing the movie from PHP
$movie = java_bean("movie");
echo "title: " . $movie->title . "\n";
Resin automatically provides the WebBeans variables to EL expressions
for both JSP and JSF.
Example: accessing the movie from JSP
<c:out value="${movie.title}"/>
The JSF also uses the expression language, but uses the deferred syntax,
since JSF needs to build a component tree first.
Example: accessing the movie from JSF
<h:outputText value="#{movie.title}"/>
@BindingType: custom injection binding
Although many applications will just use @In and
@Named injection binding, applications can create their
own binding annotations. Some bindings might be more
logical, for example an @XA annotation might mark the
transactional DataSource , while @ReadOnly might
mark a read-only DataSource . Drivers might
use Scheme("mysql") to allow for URL-based configuration,
like the "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test" of JDBC.
Example: ReadOnly and XA databases
public class MyServlet extends GenericServlet {
@ReadOnly DataSource _readDatabase;
@XA DataSource _xaDatabase;
You can create a custom binding annotation using
the @BindingType annotation. When Resin introspects the
injection point and the components, it will look for any annotation
with the @BindingType meta-annotation.
The annotation can also have annotation parameters. If they exist,
Resin will make sure only matching components will be injected.
The custom binding annotation can be used anywhere predefined
binding annotations can, including fields, methods, constructor,
producers, or event observers.
public @interface ReadOnly {
Some components are more easily produced using a factory method rather
than getting instantiated directly. In those cases, your application
can mark a factory component's method with the @Produces
annotation. Resin will register the results of the method with WebBeans.
Example: @Produces
import javax.webbeans.Component;
import javax.webbeans.Produces;
import com.caucho.webbeans.Singleton;
public class MyFactory {
@Produces public List<Movie> currentMovies()
The produces method can be marked with @ScopeType ,
@ComponentType or @BindingType annotations just
like a class-based component can.
Aspects: Method Interception
Some functions like security, logging and transaction handing need
to be used for each method invidually, but require a common
implementation pattern. The WebBeans AOP uses a single method as
a interceptor for each method invocation.
Your method will use an @InterceptorType annotation
letting Resin know where it should apply the interceptor:
Example: secure method
public class MyBean {
public void doSomethingSafely() { ... }
The implementation class will use the
javax.interceptor.* API to implement the
Example: security implementation
import javax.interceptor.*;
import javax.webbeans.Interceptor;
@Secure @Interceptor
public class MySecureInterceptor {
public Object checkSecurity(InvocationContext inv) throws Exception
if (! myContextIsSecure())
throw new MySecurityException("permissiong denied");
return inv.proceed();
The interceptors must be enabled in the
META-INF/web-beans.xml file. This protects your code
from any surprising interceptors.
Example: META-INF/web-beans.xml
<web-beans xmlns="">
Your components can also handle events thrown through the WebBeans API.
Any method with an @Observes parameter will receive events
with the proper type. The event can be any Java class.
Example: event handler
import javax.webbeans.Component;
import javax.webbeans.Observes;
public class MyHandler {
public void myHandlerMethod(@Observes Movie movie)
Your application can throw events through the WebBeans
Container API, which is available through injection:
Example: raising events
import javax.webbeans.Container;
public void MyServlet extends GenericServlet {
@In Container _webbeans;
public void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res)
_webbeans.raiseEvent(new Movie("A Bridge Too Far"));
For the above example, Resin will look for all components which
have an @Observes method receiving a Movie
and deliver the event to that component.
@AroundInvoke marks an interception method on the
bean or an interceptor class. The interceptor is invoked while
processing a business method.
public @interface AroundInvoke {
Example: @AroundInvoke method
import javax.interceptor.*;
public class MyBean {
protected Object log(InvocationContext cxt)
throws Exception
System.out.println("Before: " + cxt.getMethod());
Object value = cxt.proceed();
System.out.println("After: " + cxt.getMethod());
return value;
public String hello()
return "hello, world";
@DenyAll annotation marks a method as forbidden to all
public @interface DenyAll {
@Interceptor marks a class as an interceptor using
WebBeans-style interception. The class will normally also have
an @AroundInvoke method as well as any
InterceptorBindingType annotations.
public @interface Interceptor {
@InterceptorBindingType is a WebBeans meta-annotation for
creating interceptor binding types. Applications will use
@InterceptorBindingType to create application-specific
interceptors. The WebBeans-style of interception decouples the
interception declaration from the interceptor classes, in contrast
with the EJB-style which specifies the interceptor class directly.
public @interface InterceptorBindingType {
@Interceptors marks an method or class as being
intercepted by the named classes. The interceptor classes will
implement an @AroundInvoke method to process the
InvocationContext .
@Interceptors propertiesVALUE | MEANING | DEFAULT |
value | Lists the interceptor classes to apply to the method. | javax.interceptor.Interceptors
public @interface Interceptors {
public Class []value();
Example: @Interceptor method
import javax.interceptor.*;
public class MyBean {
public String hello()
return "hello, world";
public class MyInterceptor {
protected Object log(InvocationContext cxt)
throws Exception
System.out.println("Before: " + cxt.getMethod());
Object value = cxt.proceed();
System.out.println("After: " + cxt.getMethod());
return value;
The InvocationContext API is used by invocation
methods to examine the calling context, and possibly set parameters.
A no-op interceptor would just call the proceed() method. InvocationContext methodsMETHOD | DESCRIPTION |
getContextData | Returns a map containing any context information | getMethod | Returns the called API method | getParameters | Returns the Java parameters for the call | getTarget | Returns the target object, i.e. the Java object that will
receive the call after all the interceptors complete. | proceed | Call the next interceptor in the chain, or call the final object
at the end of the chain. | setParameters | Sets the Java parameters for the call | javax.interceptor.InvocationContext
public interface InvocationContext {
public Object proceed() throws Exception;
public Map<String, Object> getContextData();
public Method getMethod();
public Object[] getParameters() throws IllegalStateException;
public void setParameters(Object[] parameters) throws IllegalStateException;
public Object getTarget();
@PermitAll annotation marks a method as allowed for all
public @interface PermitAll {
@RolesAllowed lists all the roles (i.e. permissions) allowed
to access the method. If the user in the security context does not match
the role, an exception will be thrown.
RolesAllowed propertiesVALUE | MEANING | DEFAULT |
value | Lists the roles (permissions) that are allowed. |
public @interface RolesAllowed {
String []value();
@RunAs changes the security context user to a defined
role. Security tests within the context of the @RunAs will
match the specified role.
RunAs propertiesVALUE | MEANING | DEFAULT |
value | The role name to run as. |
public @interface RunAs {
String value();
Defines the transaction boundary for business methods. The
default value is REQUIRED. If @TransactionAttribute annotates the class,
it defines the default value.
All Resin-managed beans can use @TransactionAttribute :
@Stateful, @Stateless, @MessageDriven and plain Java beans. TransactionAttributeTypeVALUE | MEANING |
REQUIRED | Start a new transaction if necessary | SUPPORTS | Don't start a new transaction, but use one if it exists | MANDATORY | Require the caller to have started a transaction | NEVER | Forbid the caller to have started a transaction | REQUIRESNEW | Always start a new transaction, suspending the old one | NOTSUPPORTED | Suspend any active transaction |
- SUPPORTS is typically used for read-only methods
- REQUIRED is typically used for updating (read/write) methods
public @interface TransactionAttribute {
TransactionAttributeType value() default REQUIRED;
Dependency Injection Annotations
@BindingType is a meta-annotation for creating custom
injection binding types. Applications can create their own injection
annotations like @Named to provide application-specific
binding. For example, a database might have a @XA
and a @NonXA connector implemented.
public @interface BindingType {
Example: custom @XA binding type
package demo;
public @interface XA {
Example: using the custom @XA binding type
package demo;
import javax.sql.*;
public class MyBean {
@XA DataSource _xa;
@NonXA DataSource _nonXa;
Configures EJB values for a field or method.
@EJB is essentially a @Resource where it's known that the
result is an EJB interface. PROPERTY | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT |
businessInterface | The EJB interface to lookup | The field type | name | The EJB name of the resource | The field name | jndiName | The jndi name of the resource | The EJB name |
public @interface EJB {
String name() default "";
String businessInterface() default "";
String jndiName() default "";
In the following exaple, Resin will call setFoo
method with the bean in "java:comp/env/ejb/foo" before the
session is started.
Example: @EJB method injection
void setFoo(example.Test test)
_test = test;
Marks a field, method, or parameter for injection.
When used with a constructor, it marks the given constructor as
the constructor to use when creating new instances. javax.webbeans.In
public @interface In {
@Named is a predefined @BindingType
annotation for named objects. Many application objects can just use
@Named to disambiguate multiple objects with the same
value | The name binding for the object to inject | required | javax.webbeans.Named
public @interface Named {
String value();
Marks a field, method, or parameter for injection with a new
instance of the object. If the type of the @New
has not yet been registered with the WebBeans directory, it will
be registered automatically.. javax.webbeans.New
public @interface New {
@NonBinding is a meta-annotation used for
creating @BindingType annotations. It excludes an
annotation property from the binding algorithm. Normally, the
injection binding must matches all the propeties in the object's
annotations with the properties in the injection property. The
@NonBinding annotation skips the check for the annotated
@Target({FIELD, METHOD})
public @interface NonBinding {
Example: @Demo with @NonBinding
package demo;
public @interface Demo {
@NonBinding String description() default "";
@Resource provides JNDI-based resource injection.
@Resource can also be used at the Class level to
declare a dependency in cases where the session bean loads the
JNDI value by itself.
In general, it's better to use the WebBeans
annotations: @In , @Named
or custom @BindingType annotations, since they use the
type-safe WebBeans registry instead of JNDI. @Resource
is supported for backwards compatibility. PROPERTY | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT |
authenticationType | What kind of authentication is expected for the resource: APPLICATION or
CONTAINER | CONTAINER | description | An optional description of the resource | | name | The jndi-name of the resource | java:comp/env/class-name#field-name | type | The class of the expected resource | The field type | shareable | True if the bean follows JCA shareability requirements. | true | mappedName | The produce-specific name of the resource | The field name |
Frameworks like Struts2, Wicket, and Mule can delegate object creation
to Resin-IoC. By configuration Resin-IoC to create the framework
objects, your application's components can directly inject Resin resources
and application components configured with Resin.
Integration information for the frameworks is maintained on the
Caucho wiki site. Currently supported frameworks include:
Implementing new object factories for other frameworks is straightforward.
ObjectFactory pattern
Frameworks like Struts2 provide an ObjectFactory pattern.
In this case, the framework gives a Class object and asks
the factory to create a new instance. The ObjectFactory is
the most powerful pattern, since objects can use @Observes, @InterceptionType,
@TransactionAttribute and even @Stateless, as well as the usual dependency
Example: Struts2 integration
package com.caucho.xwork2;
import com.caucho.webbeans.manager.*;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ObjectFactory;
import java.util.*;
import javax.webbeans.*;
public class ResinObjectFactory extends ObjectFactory
private final WebBeansContainer _webBeans = WebBeansContainer.create();
public Object buildBean(Class clazz, Map extraContext)
throws Exception
return _webBeans.getObject(clazz);
Injection pattern
Some frameworks, like Wicket, prefer to instantiate the object, but
can call Resin-IoC for a dependency-injection step. With this kind of
framework integration, the created object only gets dependency-injection;
it does not get any aspects or interception.
Example: Wicket injection
package com.caucho.wicket;
import com.caucho.webbeans.manager.*;
import org.apache.wicket.Component;
import org.apache.wicket.application.*;
public class ResinComponentInjector implements IComponentInstantiationListener
private WebBeansContainer _webBeans = WebBeansContainer.create();
public void onInstantiation(Component component)
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