documentation examples changes overview quick start installation command-line configuration admin amber clustering caching database deployment ejb 3.0 embedding filters hessian hmtp ioc jsp logging messaging performance quercus/php remoting scheduled tasks security server push servlets third-party troubleshooting virtual hosting watchdog webapp xml and xslt <cluster> <database> <host> ports <resin> resource tags rewrite <server> session variables <web-app> index relax schema environment resin j2ee resin web.xml resin.conf j2ee common j2ee web.xml | resin j2ee web.xml relax-ng schema
The formal definition for the strict J2EE web.xml. default namespace j2ee = "" namespace local = "" namespace xsi = "" include "../resin/j2ee.rnc" start = j2ee_web-app j2ee_auth-constraint = element auth-constraint { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_description*, j2ee_role-name* } j2ee_dispatcher = element dispatcher { "FORWARD" | "REQUEST" | "INCLUDE" | "ERROR" } j2ee_error-page = element error-page { attribute id { string }?, (element error-code { string } | element exception-type { j2ee_fully-qualified-class }), element location { string } } j2ee_filter = element filter { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_description-Group, j2ee_filter-name, element filter-class { j2ee_fully-qualified-class }, j2ee_init-param* } j2ee_filter-mapping = element filter-mapping { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_filter-name, (j2ee_url-pattern | j2ee_servlet-name), j2ee_dispatcher* } j2ee_filter-name = element filter-name { string } j2ee_form-login-config = element form-login-config { attribute id { string }?, element form-login-page { string }, element form-error-page { string } } j2ee_http-method = element http-method { "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "HEAD" | "OPTIONS" | "TRACE" } j2ee_init-param = element init-param { paramType } j2ee_jsp-config = element jsp-config { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_taglib*, j2ee_jsp-property-group* } j2ee_jsp-property-group = element jsp-property-group { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_description-Group, j2ee_url-pattern+, element el-ignored { j2ee_boolean }?, element page-encoding { j2ee_string }?, element scripting-invalid { j2ee_boolean }?, element is-xml { j2ee_boolean }?, element include-prelude { j2ee_path }*, element include-coda { j2ee_path }* } j2ee_listener = element listener { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_description-Group, element listener-class { j2ee_fully-qualified-class } } j2ee_locale-encoding-mapping = element locale-encoding-mapping { attribute id { string }?, element locale { string }, element encoding { string } } j2ee_locale-encoding-mapping-list = element locale-encoding-mapping-list { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_locale-encoding-mapping+ } j2ee_login-config = element login-config { attribute id { string }?, element auth-method { string }?, element realm-name { string }?, j2ee_form-login-config? } j2ee_mime-mapping = element mime-mapping { attribute id { string }?, element extension { string }, element mime-type { string } } paramType = j2ee_description*, element param-name { string }, element param-value { string } j2ee_security-constraint = element security-constraint { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_display-name*, j2ee_web-resource-collection+, j2ee_auth-constraint?, j2ee_user-data-constraint? } j2ee_servlet-mapping = element servlet-mapping { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_servlet-name, j2ee_url-pattern } j2ee_servlet = element servlet { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_description-Group, j2ee_servlet-name, (element servlet-class { j2ee_fully-qualified-class } | element jsp-file { string }), j2ee_init-param*, element load-on-startup { string }?, element run-as { string }?, element security-role-ref { string }* } j2ee_servlet-name = element servlet-name { string } j2ee_session-config = element session-config { attribute id { string }?, element session-timeout { string }? } j2ee_taglib = element taglib { attribute id { string }?, element taglib-uri { j2ee_string }, element taglib-location { j2ee_path } } j2ee_transport-guarantee = element transport-guarantee { "NONE" | "INTEGRAL" | "CONFIDENTIAL" } j2ee_url-pattern = element url-pattern { string } j2ee_user-data-constraint = element user-data-constraint { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_description*, j2ee_transport-guarantee } j2ee_web-app-Content = element context-param { paramType }* & j2ee_description-Group & element distributable { empty }? & j2ee_jndi-environment-refs-Group & j2ee_error-page* & j2ee_filter* & j2ee_filter-mapping* & j2ee_jsp-config? & j2ee_listener* & j2ee_locale-encoding-mapping-list? & j2ee_login-config? & j2ee_message-destination* & j2ee_mime-mapping* & j2ee_security-constraint* & j2ee_security-role* & j2ee_servlet* & j2ee_servlet-mapping* & j2ee_session-config? & j2ee_welcome-file-list? j2ee_web-app = element web-app { attribute id { string }?, attribute version { "2.4" }, attribute xsi:schemaLocation { string }, j2ee_web-app-Content } j2ee_web-resource-collection = element web-resource-collection { attribute id { string }?, element web-resource-name { string }, j2ee_description*, j2ee_url-pattern+, j2ee_http-method* } j2ee_welcome-file = element welcome-file { attribute id { string }?, string } j2ee_welcome-file-list = element welcome-file-list { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_welcome-file+ }